We’re delighted to offer you a FREE one-off advert, and share details of your vacancy amongst our community of florists.

Just follow the steps below to submit details to us. From here available freelancers will make contact with you directly.


Complete the form below as fully and honestly as possible to attract great applicants.

Email us images you are happy for us to use and share to promote the vacancy.

Once shared available freelancer’s will make contact with you directly, as you’re not currently on our membership you will need to make your own further enquiries to confirm details you might need to know.

Our membership does give you access to all member florists details, so you can learn more about them beforehand, please see below for more information.

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Please email images for your advert to

Before completing this form you may want to refer to our Terms of Service and also our Help Sheet if you need any advice on advertising for freelancers.

Our Membership

We know how important it is for you to employ the right person for what you need, our freelancers directory can help you with that. We share details about all our members, their background, experience and most importantly their floral style. Our membership will give you access to all of this information, plus the option to post any future vacancies you have.

Full membership

£65/per year

/ View full vacancy profiles

/ Apply for vacancies

/ View and apply for creative opportunities

/ Full vacancy profile alerts by email

/ Access to freelance resources

/ Full member newsletter

/ Networking through our private social media groups

/ Place unlimited job adverts

/ Place unlimited position wanted adverts

/ Browse full freelancer directory