Welcome to the Freelance florist, we can’t wait to have you on board.
We’re going to tell you exactly why you need to sign up and everything you’ll get with your membership:
You’ll create an amazing profile for yourself which will sit alongside our other members, accessible to a host of amazing employers and fellow florists. Members will get access to our top tips for creating a personal profile, from feedback received we know exactly what employers want to know.
You’ll have access to a variety of amazing job opportunities up and down the UK as well as overseas.
You will be able to post as many job adverts as you need to help you at busy times as well as connecting with industry leaders in our thriving community.
You will have access to tender for large scale jobs outside of the industry - think elite wedding planners, luxury hotels and event professionals.
You will become a part of a growing community of supportive, like minded business owners and freelancers with whom you can share, connect and collaborate with.
Gain access to knowledge, information, tool kits and expertise - this is a business run by industry professionals whose wealth of experience we want to share with you.
Invitations to networking events in your area to meet, chat and delight in the wonderful floral world. For these events we put together the best speakers in the industry to give our members key insights into all areas of freelancing, floristry, weddings, events, business and much more.
Sounds good? Come and join us….
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£65/per year
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/ Networking through our private social media groups
/ Place unlimited job adverts
/ Place unlimited position wanted adverts
/ Browse full freelancer directory
“You really are valued as a member. I think this is a fantastic service to all florists, floristry assistants and businesses. The website is easy to navigate with accurate pictures and profiles.”